Our Partner, Octaviano Duarte, will lecture at the “Congresso 15 Anos da Lei nº11.101/05” organized by OAB and EPM

  • 17/06/2020

The São Paulo Section of the Bar Association and the Escola da Magistratura (EPM) will promote the event entitled: “”Congresso 15 Anos da Lei nº11.101/05: Problemas Atuais e Desafios para o Futuro” [“15 Years Congress of Law nº 11,101 /05: Current Problems and Challenges for the Future”], which will be held during the 15-17 June, from 10 am to 12 pm.

The event, which is free and online, will feature important names in the area, which include ministers of the Superior Court of Justice, judges, prosecutors, judicial administrators and lawyers.

DFA will be present through its Partner Octaviano Duarte Filho, who will join and lecture during the  3rd Panel of the second day. This Panel with the be focused on dicussion relevant issues about: “fraud and the disregard of legal entity measures”.
